To work individually with an Employment Counsellor, you must be:
We post the help wanted sections from local newspapers. Local employers also call us to have jobs posted in our jobs binder.
If you need a resume faxed to an employer, we can fax up to five a day for you. Job search tip: faxing of resumes is not an effective way to contact employers. It is best used only when the employer has specified that resumes should be faxed.
You will find a large selection of books, newspapers, newsletters to assist you with your job search and help you gather labour market information. A Career Advisor is on hand for quick consultations.
Computers are available for conducting career research, applying for jobs on-line, and word processing job search documents. Assistance is available.
Applying for work out of town? You can make up to five long distance calls a day. The calls must be directly employment related.
If you are temporarily without a phone, we can provide you with a message number to include on resumes. Messages that are not directly related to your job search will not be taken.
Your Employment Counsellor can help you with: