Client Services

Anyone can use our Self-Serve Centre.

Who Can Become a Client?

To work individually with an Employment Counsellor, you must be:

  • Unemployed or underemployed
  • actively looking for work, and ready to accept a job immediately
  • looking for on-going employment – not a student returning to school
  • legally entitled to work in Canada

Self Serve Centre

Job Postings

We post the help wanted sections from local newspapers. Local employers also call us to have jobs posted in our jobs binder.

Faxing of Job Search Documents

If you need a resume faxed to an employer, we can fax up to five a day for you. Job search tip: faxing of resumes is not an effective way to contact employers. It is best used only when the employer has specified that resumes should be faxed.

Career Resource Centre

You will find a large selection of books, newspapers, newsletters to assist you with your job search and help you gather labour market information. A Career Advisor is on hand for quick consultations.

Computer Use

Computers are available for conducting career research, applying for jobs on-line, and word processing job search documents. Assistance is available.

Long Distance Calls

Applying for work out of town? You can make up to five long distance calls a day. The calls must be directly employment related.

Message Service

If you are temporarily without a phone, we can provide you with a message number to include on resumes. Messages that are not directly related to your job search will not be taken.

Individual Services with an Employment Counsellor

Your Employment Counsellor can help you with:

  • Career exploration
  • Job search
  • Resume and cover letter writing
  • Identifying job leads
  • Assessing eligibility and applying for training, wage subsidy, or self-employment services
  • Disability supports
  • Financial supports for job search or job start
  • Referrals to group workshops and other employment programs

Issue Resolution Process

Decision Review and Issue Resolution